Rigaku MiniFlex 6G (XRD)

X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD)




The Rigaku Miniflex 6G is a high-throughput bench top X-ray diffractometer. It has a 600 W copper tube with a D/Tex Ultra silicon strip detector capable of very fast data acquisition. Equipped is the 8-position auto sampler along with a variety of slits. The auto sampler has the ability to spin samples to reduce preferential orientation effects. A filter is used to reduce K-beta contributions. An optional graphite monochromator is available for materials high in iron or other materials that fluoresce under copper X-Rays. We have an optional high temperature stage capable of going up to 500 C in a 1 bar max pressure differential enclosure. This uses a Kapton window and has a vacuum pump attached. Optionally a domed sample holder is available for preparing samples in an inert environment.

Publication Acknowledgement

Please use the following statement in the acknowledgement section of any document generated which uses data collected from the XRD.

The authors acknowledge the use of the facilities, plus the scientific and technical assistance of the instrument staff at the Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Center, Western Washington University, USA. The authors also acknowledge the Joint Center for the Deployment and Research in Earth Abundant Materials (JCDREAM) for funding the Rigaku Miniflex 6G X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) instrument used in this work.