TA Instruments Discovery 5500

Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA)





Acquired in 2023 through matching funds between AMSEC and Western Washington University Fraser Endowment for Equipment for the Sciences Fund. The 5500 TGA replaced an 18 year old model from the same manufacturer.


  • Tru-Mass™ balance with ultra  low drift
  • IR furnace for fast heating and cooling
  • Precise atmosphere control (N2 and Air)
  • HiRes™ TGA with heating rate controlled by mass loss rate
  • MTGA™ Modulated TGA for model-free kinetic data


Temperature Range Ambient to 1200 °C
Temperature Accuracy ±1 °C
Temperature Precision ±0.1 °C
Heating Rate (Linear) 0.1 to 500 °C/min
Heating Rate (Ballistic) >1600 °C/min
Furnace Cooling (Forced air/N2) 1200 °C to 35 °C in <10 min
Sample Weight Capacity 1000 mg
Dynamic Weighing Range 1000 mg
Weighing Precision ±0.01 %
Resolution <0.1 µg
Weight Baseline Drift (Ambient to 1000°C) <10 µg
Vacuum 50 µtorr

Publication Acknowledgement

Please use the following statement in the acknowledgement section of any document generated which uses data collected from the TGA.

The authors acknowledge the use of the facilities, plus the scientific and technical assistance of the instrument staff at the Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Center, Western Washington University, USA. The authors also acknowledge funding from the Fraser Endowment for Equipment for the Sciences at WWU for the TA Instruments 5500 Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) used in this work.